

This image is apart of my final project for my photo lab class. I decided to do abstract portraits that I will be taking in black and white. I find that black and white really let's the viewer focus on the detail of the image. Although I do like color I feel the color takes away from an image if your trying to focus on one thing. The rose petals are a vibrant yellow which is beautiful but I chose to put it in black and white because it adds emotion and sets a certain mood. I feel your able to pay more attention to the rose petals and not get distracted by the color.

Reaction paper

In the beginning of the semester we visited Jim Lennons studio. This was the first time I've been in a professional studio and really got to see how everything worked for this particular photographer. I really enjoyed the layout of the studio and could picture myself having my own studio but that would be way in the future for me. During the studio visit Jim talked about the type of photography he was interested in as well as helpful tips on how he got to where he is today. Having your own studio is a big investment as well as the equipment you need to have. Having this opportunity to visit a studio and have that photographer speak with you was a great experience. I enjoy learning hands on and getting answers straight from the source. In the first room we walked into the first thing I noticed were the different color back drops he had hanging on the wall- as well as the mini dressing room for whom ever was being photographed that day. Towards the end of the class he asked if he wan...


This is a landscape photograph I took at during sunset at Robert Moses. All I was hoping to capture was a beautiful sunset and got something more. When I decided to walk closer towards the water that's when I found this huge puddle that created some separation and beautiful reflection of the sunset. I enjoyed taking these landscapes and the colors the sun leaves in the sky as it sets. So much so that I woke up early one morning to catch the sunrise and see what affect that had and compare the difference in the sky. I had gotten more colors in the sky during sunset than I did during sunrise. Sunrise had more cool colors than warm, but still was just as beautiful as the sunset. Just had different affects. This photo is one of the unedited versions. I can improve my photo by adding more contrast and adjusting the exposure. I also have some spots that could be removed by the spot removal tool in light room.


This photo was taken for my Photo lab class and the assignment was to take texture, pattern and abstract photos. I enjoyed taking the texture ones because they can be a bit misleading. some people thought this what an image of sand but it's actually a photograph of a wall. I took this photo with a high ISO of 100 my shutter speed was low at a 1/15th of a second with an aperture of 10. This photo came out a bit under exposed but  I could edit this photo in light room by making my exposure a lighter also add in some contrast. I would also darken my shadows. These adjustments would bring out more detail and really bring out the texture. I enjoyed doing this project and I liked searching for these textures to photograph.

reaction paper

I attended the faculty exhibition in the art gallery last Wednesday to view the work of others as well as my professors. Two of my professors had work hung up at the gallery, Both professor Cyr and professor Naideau. Everyone's art work were all different and unique. When you look at other artists work together you can see everybody has their own interpretation. you can create whatever it is you want and give it meaning. The art work that stood out to me the most was "Waves of debris" by Elena Soterakis, which was a collage made with oil and mixed media paper. When I first saw the work I didn't realized she used real paper and incorporated it into her work. Someone else actually had to point it out to me. when i noticed that and really looked into the detail it gave it more meaning for me and I thought it was a great idea to add in the actual debris left by us. We create a good portion of pollution in the world and for her to take that and put it in her work I felt wa...


This photograph was taken for my perspective assignment where we had to choose different objects and shoot from different angles and try and get a different perspective.For my subject I chose a pine cone and sat on the floor to get the camera to be the same eye level as the pine cone. I set my ISO to 400 and my shutter speed to 1/125 of a second while my aperture was at a 6.3. I like the angle of the photo as well as the detail in every curve and any specific feature the pine cone has. I cropped the photo a little bit so there can be more focus on the object. It leads you more into the center of the photo and I felt was more interesting than just having it right in the middle of my image.

Sneak Peek

This Photo was taken at Caumsett state park where I went to just walk on the trails and take photos. While walking on the trail I passed these horses and happened to be at the right spot at the right time. There was a perfect opening through these trees from where I was standing and  I walked closer to get a look. It was perfect the horse was right there, and I took the picture as fast as I could before the horse decided to move. This picture was used for one of my photo assignments where we had to play with our settings to get the right exposure. Get used to adjusting the shutter speed, ISO and aperture.